[Qgis-user] Accessing Spatialite 3.0.1 in QGIS 1.8 using Python Console

richard burcher drownedfrog at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 17:41:41 PDT 2012

i believe that pysqlite2 is named sqlite3.

i was able to access the spatial functions. thx for helping point me in the
right direction!

to update, i've since removed the standalone version & moved to the osgeo4w
installer. current setup:
qgis 1.8.0-3
pyspatialite 2.3.1-3

gone with pyspatialite so i don't need to worry bout loading the extensions.
figured this would be easier & reduce an area where i may be loading the
incorrect spatial.dlls.

test db contains a multipolygon feature.

this is the code i'm using:

from pyspatialite import dbapi2 as db
rs=cur.execute("SELECT sqlite_version(),spatialite_version()")
for row in rs:
	msg=">SQLITE v%s Spatialite v%s" %(row[0],row[1])
	print msg 
SQLITE v3.7.10 Spatialite v3.0.1



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