[Qgis-user] CRS being read differently by 1.8 on different OS

Etienne Tourigny etourigny.dev at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 04:57:24 PDT 2012

The difference is *probably* due to differences in gdal and/or PROJ.4
versions in the two environments.
You can check that out with running 'gdalinfo <file>' or 'gdalsrsinfo
<file>' on both enviromnents.

Could you post a link to the file (ideally a subset of it)?

Shapefile CRS recognition has suffered from many problems in the past
(which should be fixed in 1.8), but I haven't seen this kind of
problem with raster data.


On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:19 AM, Ramon AndiƱach <custard at westnet.com.au> wrote:
> Hi,
> I realise that this probably isn't strictly a QGIS problem, but I've noticed something odd about a raster file that I've been handed to look at.
> On MacOS (using William's 1.8 build), the file and its associated meta files is reporting as a custom CRS (+proj=longlat +a=6378249.145 +b=6356514.966395495 +no_defs)
> On Win7-64bit (using OSGeo), the same file and associated meta files is reporting as Cape EPSG:4222.
> This seems a little odd, and I wondered if anyone had any thoughts.
> -ramon.
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