[Qgis-user] Qgis Sextante plugin trouble

Aitor Bastarrica Izaguirre aitor.bastarrika at ehu.es
Wed Jul 18 01:49:43 PDT 2012

Dear Qgis users,
I am working with a DTM raster file. I have a region extent/resolution  
set in the Sextante configuration panel and the "Use min covering  
region" unchecked.

I use the Sextante's r.slope function and result is ok, as the result  
is clipped to the region extents with the required spatial resolution.  
Now I would like to clip the original DTM with the same region  
extent/resolution. I have tried the r.mapcalculator function, with a  
simple mathematical function (A*1) in order to obtain the same  
original DTM clipped and resampled to the region extent/resolution.  
The programm shows an error and the output file is not created.

I obtain the next error in the sextante_qgis.log file

ALGORITHM|Wed Jul 18 2012  
INFO|Wed Jul 18 2012 10:21:00|GRASS execution commands|g.region  
n=4799224.59978 s=4798356.20966 e=488133.737978 w=487533.468315  
res=10.0|r.in.gdal input="C:/temp/lidar/MDT_037_1_8.asc" band=1  
out=tmp13425996604435 --overwrite -o|r.in.gdal  
input="C:/temp/lidar/MDT_037_1_8.asc" band=1 out=tmp13425996604436  
--overwrite -o|r.in.gdal input="C:/temp/lidar/MDT_037_1_8.asc" band=1  
out=tmp13425996604437 --overwrite -o|r.in.gdal  
input="C:/temp/lidar/MDT_037_1_8.asc" band=1 out=tmp13425996604438  
--overwrite -o|r.in.gdal input="C:/temp/lidar/MDT_037_1_8.asc" band=1  
out=tmp13425996604439 --overwrite -o|r.in.gdal  
input="C:/temp/lidar/MDT_037_1_8.asc" band=1 out=tmp13425996604440  
--overwrite -o|r.mapcalculator amap=tmp13425996604440  
bmap=tmp13425996604440 cmap=tmp13425996604440 dmap=tmp13425996604440  
emap=tmp13425996604440 fmap=tmp13425996604440 formula=A*1  
outfile=outfile --overwrite|g.region rast=outfile|r.out.gdal -c  
createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" input=outfile output="C:\Documents  
and Settings\Aitor\sextante\tempdata\grassrmapcalculator33.tif"
ERROR|Wed Jul 18 2012 10:21:56|'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf3 in  
position 6142: ordinal not in range(128)|Traceback (most recent call  
last):|  File "C:/Documents and  
line 116, in execute|    self.processAlgorithm(progress)|  File  
"C:/Documents and  
line 258, in processAlgorithm|    GrassUtils.executeGrass(commands,  
progress);|  File "C:/Documents and  
line 260, in executeGrass|     
SextanteLog.addToLog(SextanteLog.LOG_INFO, loglines)|  File  
"C:/Documents and  
line 33, in addToLog|    text = unicode(a)|UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii'  
codec can't decode byte 0xf3 in position 6142: ordinal not in  

My configuration:
Windows XP
Qgis 1.7.4
Sextante 1.0.7

I could do it in GRASS, but I would like to use the Sextante plugin  
that I find more integrated with Qgis.
All suggestions are welcome,
Best regards

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