[Qgis-user] multi qml error

Sebastiano Lora sebastiano.lora at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 05:54:01 PDT 2012


just a question about the multi QML plugin before to open (in case) a
ticket. I used the plugin a lot in the past to apply in batch the same
style to many raster/vector files, but since I upgraded to QGIS 1.8, it
works no more. There is anybody with the same problem or is it only me?
Maybe something changed in the QLM files with the update and the plugin
does not recognize the files anymore.
Are there some alternatives (scripting or so) with the same function?
thanks in advance,

Sebastiano Lora Dr phil
Deutsches Archäologische Institut Orient-Abteilung
Podbielskiallee 69-71
14195 Berlin, Germany
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