[Qgis-user] OpenLayers plugin crashes QGIS

Kurt Menke kurt at birdseyeviewgis.com
Sat Jun 23 07:45:49 PDT 2012


I have experienced consistent issues with the latest OpenLayers plugin with
QGIS 1.7.4. The only way I can get the plugin to work is if I open a new
QGIS project, set my project CRS to Google Mercator (EPSG: 900913) and then
add an OpenLayers layer such as OpenStreetMap or Google. However, if I then
add another layer, for example a shapefile in EPSG: 4326, QGIS crashes. If I
set my project to anything other than Google Mercator, QGIS crashes as soon
as I try to add an OpenLayers plugin layer to the map canvas. This makes the
plugin unusable. I have experienced this on multiple machines. Any


I'm running:

- Windows 7 64 bit

- QGIS 1.7.4 built against code revision 8058b22

- OpenLayers plugin v 0.92

- GDAL/OGR 1.9

- QWT Version: 5.2.1

- compiled against Qt 4.7.1



Kurt Menke

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