[Qgis-user] Creation of GPX file fails

Laurence Béchet bechet.laurence at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 18:34:07 PST 2012


I'm trying to create a gpx layer from a shapefile containing points.
I'm using qgis 1.7.4, with New Zealand Traverse Mercator as CRS (EPSG 
2193). CRS is set for both the project and the layer.

1) if I use the gps plugin, it creates within the project 3 layers 
(waypoints, routes, tracks).
If I have a look at the attribute table for the waypoints, I cannot see 
the X_proj and Y_proj columns I need for the GPS. They exist in the 
original shapefile. Besides the table is completely empty.

2) is I use the 'save as'option on the shapefile layer with the 
attribute GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES, I get a file full of data (that's 
better), but the file is not good:
* if I try to upload it with qgis as a shapefile I don't find my X_proj 
and Y_proj as fields and the associated projection is defined as:
+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

* if I try to use DNRgarmin to open it, I get a message error:

Then the data are displayed, but X_proj and Y_proj data are filled 
within lat and long fields ...

I spent hour on the web and seem to be the only one to have this issue ...

By the way importing gpx files in qgis doesn't work better (same pbe), 
so I create directly with DNRGarmin the shapefiles that I open with Qgis.

Any help is welcome...
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