[Qgis-user] (no subject)

Jake Maier j.m at jmforestry.com
Fri Mar 9 08:45:54 PST 2012

It looks now to me that all layers always loaded correctly. What seems to be the problem is that I cannot get Google Streets or OpenstreetMap to display. Both these layers were placed underneath the shp and the NAIP (WMS) maps. Turning off the NAIP layer should activate the Google Street map, which is directly under the NAIP layer and turned on, but I cannot get it to display. I turned the layer on and off, and checked and unchecked (repeatedly) the render button. But nothing happens. When I zoomed into the map, the complete google streets displays, which is odd because by zooming in it actually zoomed out. 
Maybe this is a bug?

-----Original Message-----
From: Giovanni Manghi [mailto:giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt] 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 11:10 AM
To: Jake Maier
Cc: Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [Qgis-user] (no subject)

Hi Jake,

> Does that mean I cannot load openlayers maps and WMS maps at the same time.

no, it means that the layers from the OL plugin are not reprojectable, so you must reproject everything else in their own CRS, google mercator.


-- Giovanni --

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