[Qgis-user] GPS route

Kris Nackaerts knackaerts at gmx.net
Sun Mar 11 01:16:48 PST 2012


I would opt to use PostGIS as backend. Store your transects (from within
QGIS for example) in a postgis table, add a trigger on this table, or
view, and you'll have the data you need. Should work fluently. It's a
single SQL you need to divide lines in 100 meter segments.

If you like working with python, Shapely could be an option too, they've
also implemented some linear referencing methods
( http://toblerity.github.com/shapely/manual.html#linear-referencing-methods ) that could help.

In case you've trouble finding the right SQL for postgis, drop me a
mail, I have it somewhere.

Additional fun is provided by ogr2ogr which should allow to extract
PostGIS data directly to GPX files (never tested this). Andif you really
need a challenge, install geoserver with the ogr2ogr WFS plugin, this
should allow gpx export too...


On Sat, 2012-03-10 at 18:49 -0500, Jake Maier wrote:
> Michael,
> What about a route? String 100m lines together in a route, You even
> can tell the GPS when to notify you about the coming of a node which
> will be the beginning of a new line. Because it’s nearly impossible to
> hit a 1X1m square with the GPS, (it will constantly move on you) I use
> this feature to let me know when I’m let’s say 10 m from the point and
> then use a fixed amount of paces and the bearing to be fairly unbiased
> in locating the point.
> jake
> From: qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Michael
> Spencer
> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 5:02 PM
> To: QGIS Users
> Subject: [Qgis-user] GPS route
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to create a .gpx route along a straight line, but with a
> node ~100m. i.e. I have a transect and wish to survey every 100m. How
> can I split straight polylines with a node every 100m, but keep the
> same line?
> Obviously I can create points every 100m using the GRASS toolbox, but
> these are then converted to a waypoint when saved as gpx. If I save
> the two node lines then the GPS wont indicate when I've reached the
> next survey point...
> Any help gladly appreciated!
> Michael
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