[Qgis-user] Case sensitive

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Mar 12 13:35:55 PDT 2012

The one major restriction with QGIS on Windows is that you cannot use
more than 2-3 GB RAM (depending on your configuration).

If you have big datasets and 4 or more GB of RAM you would want a 64bit
QGIS - which is currently only available on Linux or MacOSX.

Other than that, the Windows version is fine. On the other hand - these
days installing Linux is often easier than installing Windows - but
people wouldn't notice, since Windows comes usually pre-installed and
they don't have to install Windows.

People who are interested in a 64bit Windows version should think about
hiring a developer or maintainer to work on it.


On 03/12/2012 08:13 PM, john raskulinecz wrote:
> David, 
> You're right,
>  I wouldn't have got it then but do now. But seriously, does windows 7 restrict QGIS'S abilities?
>  J.R.
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