[Qgis-user] Re: QGIS Farm application

Tyler Mitchell info at locatepress.com
Wed Mar 14 12:18:43 PDT 2012

On 2012-03-14, at 12:09 PM, Jan wrote:

> Am 14.03.2012 20:03, schrieb Walter Ludwick:
>> Only:  having done the download, i don't see any way to run it on my Mac.
> Hm, sorry. Did not know you are on Mac. I fear you need to compile it from the source (or find someone who could compile it for your OS). Unfortunately I have no Mac and therefore can't build it.

I've got it built on Mac in case anyone wants a copy.

Tyler Mitchell, Publisher
Locate Press, info at locatepress.com
Open Source "geo" Books

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