[Qgis-user] Forestry Week? (was Case sensitive)
Noli Sicad
nsicad at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 19:18:16 PDT 2012
Look at his text (below) from LinkedIn ESRI Forestry GIS
Amazing, You share your experience, you pay ESRI $100.
Seriously. Have a look at the end part of the text, re: "how GIS has
helped you solve a problem or bring value to your forestry
It might be useful to what we are going to achieve in QGIS for Forestry.
Share a Forestry GIS Case Study
It's almost too late - abstracts close March 16, 2012! Share a
forestry GIS case study and take advantage of a $300 discount off the
standard registration fee. Presenters are eligible for a discounted
registration rate of $100 which includes all scheduled sessions,
beverage breaks, daily lunches, access to the Map Gallery, EXPO and
social, and the option of the Thursday fieldtrip or technical
The Esri Forestry GIS Conference, hosted by the Esri Forestry Group,
brings a community of like-minded GIS users together to talk about
experiences and discuss ideas. Support this community by presenting a
case study about how GIS has helped you solve a problem or bring value
to your forestry organization.
- Demonstrate tools, integrations or solutions that improve forest management.
- Describe a model that you used for analysis.
- Share application designs for office, web, or field GIS users.
- Show your lidar or imagery processing workflows.
- Explain your approach to data management and editing.
- Share successes leveraging GIS using spatial optimization.
On 3/15/12, Noli Sicad <nsicad at gmail.com> wrote:
> Lee,
> From the Qgis farm discussion.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/cutefarm/
> Probably you can have a look at this CuteFarm and see can use it for
> forest records and inventory. It is SQLite database so it can be
> easily use for QGIS. I think this program can probably even Spatialite
> file, however you can not view or see the spatial attributes.
> (i always manipulates my spatialite database with Firefox Sqlite
> Manager to do my data admin).
> Noli
> On 3/15/12, Tyler Mitchell <info at locatepress.com> wrote:
>> On 2012-03-14, at 7:39 AM, Lee wrote:
>>> If anyone else is interested in developing a forest inventory and
>>> analysis
>>> toolkit for on-the-ground forestry in GIS, please let me know. While I
>>> am
>>> by no means a knowledgeable programmer, I do plan to develop the
>>> appropriate knowledge to implement these ideas and coordinate with other
>>> interested individuals.
>> Thanks for the great discussion thread folks. Lee, I'm interested in at
>> least discussing further the needs for developing a toolkit, though we'll
>> see how much time I really have :)
>> I started a wiki page here for gathering more details on forest inventory
>> and analysis toolkits requirements. Perhaps we can first identify the
>> general needs, then match them with specific ways to implement the
>> technology. And then work together to either create it, or fund
>> building
>> it. Some of this will overlap with other OSGIS tools as well.
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Forestry_Tools
>> Create a new heading for each general category I missed and add some
>> details
>> if you like! Feel free to rearrange, it was a quick job ;)
>> Best wishes,
>> Tyler
>> -----
>> Tyler Mitchell, Publisher
>> Locate Press, info at locatepress.com
>> Open Source "geo" Books
>> http://www.locatepress.com
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