[Qgis-user] skewed GCPs

T. Gray Shaw tgray at arborartist.com
Fri Mar 16 11:27:06 PDT 2012

I added a raster layer to a project and it doesn't line up.  I obtained the GCPs from a vector layer in the project.  When I add the raster layer, the GCPs are correct relative to the vector layer, but skewed relative to where I placed them on the raster.  I do not understand why the GCPs did not maintain their position on the raster layer.  I set the target SRS to match the project CRS (EPSG:4326).

Is there an option to increase the number of decimal points in the GCP table?

This is my first time georeferencing and adding a raster layer.

- Gray

T. Gray Shaw
ISA Certified Arborist # WE-1037
Redway and Berkeley, CA
510 418-3420
Skype: tgrayshaw

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