[Qgis-user] UTF-8 no more :(

Koos Hagg hagg.koos at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 01:38:08 PDT 2012

Yes I have. right now I have 1.9.0-2

I just tried to downgrade GDAL to 1.8 (in the OSGeo4W installer) but
GDAL 1.9 is a depencency for many things...

I guess I'll just wait a bit until the bugs get worked out or is there
something else I can do (aside from compiling QGIS/GDAL myself- I'm
not skilled in that area)


On 3/23/12, Alexander Bruy <alexander.bruy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> have you updated GDAL recently? There are some issues with using GDAL 1.9
> and QGIS.
> 2012/3/23 Koos Hagg <hagg.koos at gmail.com>:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Has anybody else noticed that UTF-8 is broken?
>> most of my mapping work has been focused on Vietnam, which has a bunch of
>> accents and what not.
>> I have not had this problem up until today- usually importing and
>> exporting
>> as utf-8 will handle all of my characters beautifully.
>> Today nope. A connection to a spatiallite database is fine, but for
>> example,
>> if I save a spatialite layer as a shapefile (utf-8 specified) the
>> characters
>> turn to mush.
>> My old layers which were fine (and saved as UTF-8) before now are not
>> displaying text properly.
>> Ideas anyone?
>> this is in QGIS 1.7.4-4 and 1.9.90. on Windows 7 64 bit (OSGeo4W)
> --
> Alexander Bruy

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