[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] RE: ECW OKKKKK!!!

Ramon AndiƱach custard at westnet.com.au
Mon Mar 26 20:21:31 PDT 2012

Hi Frank,

You're right. I've suffered confirmation bias.

I have been having problems with the shift to 1.9, and clearing out multiple copies of the dlls (there are many suggestions on where to put them and I ended up with copies in most of these (just to be sure!) ) until GDAL complained and put them back in the osgeo/bin folder first. 

I've just put things back exactly the way they were, and Gdal-ecw still behaves as it should.

Thanks muchly for the plugin. I understand the concerns about proprietary information, but it's more-or-less essential. 


On 27/03/2012, at 10:12, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:43 PM, Ramon AndiƱach <custard at westnet.com.au> wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> Also worth noting gdal-ecw is expecting the dlls in OSGeo4W/bin only.
> Ramon,
> I'm not sure why you say that.  I have my ECW DLLs
> installed in C:\Windows\System32 on an XP VM and it
> works fine.   In theory anywhere in the system path
> should be fine.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Software Developer

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