[Qgis-user] Display selected polygons with different color by criteria

Sake Wagenaar sw1234 at planet.nl
Sat Mar 31 23:31:37 PDT 2012

Select the layer properties by double clicking on the layer in the 
layers panel. On the Style tab you can select different way's to fill 
polygons with colours or patterns. Select Categorized for discrete 
variables or Graduated for continuous variables.

More information in the user guide, page 45-52:

Two screen prints:

Sake Wagenaar

Op 1-4-2012 7:29, Chuck Young schreef:
> I have a set of area polygons that are defined with extra columns 
> containing integers related to the completeness of their coverage. I 
> need to have them appear in different colors or hatch patterns based 
> on the numeric value applied to each one.
> How would I go about that?  I can select them using the query from the 
> layers menu, but that just shows those equal to or not equal to etc. 
> based on what I put in the query.
> I need to be able to have all the areas show but have different colors 
> or hatch patterns for the values in the related fields.
> Thanks in advance for your kind help.
> Chuck
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