[Qgis-user] Is there smth wrong with OSGEO4W installer?

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Mon Nov 5 07:18:38 PST 2012

Hi list,
i'm a bit desperate, cause since an upgrade run of the osgeo4w-setup.exe 
last week, like i frequently do, nothing seems to work anymore.
First time, i was not able to open any old project anymore. qgis just 

I tested around, and found that i had to revert gdal back to 1.9.2-1 to 
1.9.1-2. Then i could open the projects without crashing.

Before that, i complete removed all traces of qgis (registry, 
.qgis-folder) , even deleted my local download repository and installed 
qgis over the advanced install -> Quantum GIS full like i did all the 
times before without any problems.
I did this at leat 2 times with no success, till i found the gdal trick.

Now, that those things are running again, the grass plugin is missing 
and can't be found anywhere.

So, what am i doing wrong, or are there things buggy with the installer 
and dependencies?

Hope someone can shed a light on this.

p.s. Win7 64bit

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