[Qgis-user] About QGIS on Windows - a follow up.
Bernd Vogelgesang
bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Tue Nov 6 16:21:06 PST 2012
Normally i really can't complain about the windows support.
Once you understand what this osgeo4w installer does and how to use it
e.g. for advanced installs, it really works very well.
I think it's much harder for untrained people under linux to get extra
stuff running than with the windows installer.
In this particular case, the packaging was obviously faster than the
testing ... which might be understandably cause of lack of time or
interest in certain functions ... but is a real bummer when you try to
convince people to use this software and one day you have to realize that
projects just don't start anymore.
My biggest problem is, that i wasn't easily able to retrieve informations
about possible causes for the malfunctions.
So for me it's more a communication/information problem than a OS or
whatever problem.
But i think there is a quite easy solution: Like Paolo said: People,
With extra money, extra things can be done ... simple but true.
The qgis development of the past years is such a success story and there
are so many brilliant people contributing stuff, but the information
infrastructure for the end user could need a bit more loving care ... and
some money could help finding people to do that if voluntary resources
simply aren't enough .
Am 06.11.2012, 22:58 Uhr, schrieb Mats Elfström
<mats.elfstrom at giskraft.com>:
> Hi!
> I am somewhat puzzled by a remark by Mr Paolo Cavallini in another
> thread.
> The poster there had experienced serious difficulties when updating his
> His main mistake seems to be that he was running Windows, and Paolo
> wrote:
> *Please also remember that Windows packaging involves a tremendous amount
> of effort and skills, and it is being done as a favour for our Windows
> users.
> It would be good if someone could pay a developer to work on Windows
> (but also OSX, etc.) packaging.
> *
> I'd like to comment on this.
> Globally, according to http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp,
> some 84 % run Windows flavors, and 5 % are Linux users.
> Surely those numbers merit a little more than a 'favour' for Windows
> users?
> According to the QGIS download page, there are several Linux flavors of
> QGIS available, compared to 1 Windows version (in two packages).
> Is Linux packaging so easy that 10+ versions can be maintained without
> any
> effort?
> And last, who is paying for all the Linux oriented development and
> packaging going on, and do you keep funds separate for Linux and Windows
> work?
> I realize that I will be flamed for this, but as I am very fond of Open
> Source and QGIS, I am saddened by the disregard for the majority of
> computer users, many of whom do not even have the option to choose their
> operating system.
> Regards, Mats.E
Bernd Vogelgesang * Siedlerstrasse 2 * 91083 Baiersdorf * +49-9133-825374
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