[Qgis-user] How to open ESRI geodatabase in QGIS 1.8 and Gdal 1.9 on Ubuntu?

Johan Nilsson joni8135 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 06:40:44 PST 2012

I have tried to follow the workflow by Alex, step by step down below, by
start download ESRIS API/SDK and souce-files for gdal-bin and unpacked it,
but find that there are another version! I have tried to described my steps
down here.

2012/11/7 Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>

> Looking at the gdal-build-mrsid helper tool, I think the pattern is:
> 1. download the SDK from ESRI
Downloaded FileGDB_API_1_2-32.tar.gz from ESRIs homepage (ok)

> 2. build a copy of gdal (same version you have on your system already)
> off to the side with the FGDB plugin enabled
*Bold *is comand in bash-terminal...

*sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade* <--update and upgrade
*mkdir ~/Desktop/gdal-mod* <--create a folder namned gdal-mod on my
desktop, -mod stands for modified, as I going to change and compile a new .
*cd ~/Desktop/gdal-mod* <--move cursor to the created folder.
*apt-get source gdal-bin *<--download source-cod from my respositories
(same as my binary installed on my system, into the folder I stand in
*sudo apt-get build-dep gdal* <--geting dependencies so my system can build
the package gdal.

I moved the downloaded FileGDB_API_1_2-32.tar.gz to the folder
~/Desktop/gdal-mod and run:

joni at Intel:~/Desktop/gdal-mod$ *tar xzf
FileGDB_API_1_2-32.tar.gz*<--unpack the package tar.gz.
the file in the folder ~/Desptop/gdal-mod are now:
joni at Intel:~/Desktop/gdal-mod$*ls*
FileGDB_API                gdal-1.6.3
FileGDB_API_1_2-32.tar.gz  gdal_1.6.3-3build2.diff.gz

What I now see it that the version of gdal is gdal_1.6.3, not gdal 1.9.2-2.

If I go in to Synaptic and right click on gdal-bin (installed version
1.9.2--2~lucis5) and choice *'Property'* and the tab *'Version'* it says:
Available versions:
1.9.2-2ucis5 (lucid)
1.6.3-3build2 (lucid)

Can someone explain what's wrong? I have Ubuntu Lucid 10.04LTS and I have
added ppa http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu.

Could it be that *apt-get source gdal-bin *just get whats in the ordinal
repositories, not added ppa?

/Johan N /Cheers

3. Install/Copy that plugin into your ogr (gdal?) plugins folder
> I'm still digging to see if someone has written out a helper script or
> more clear instructions.
> Enjoy,
> Alex
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