[Qgis-user] Georeferencing Crash

Lene Fischer lfi at life.ku.dk
Tue Oct 30 23:33:05 PDT 2012

Hi  Steve
Yhere are a reported bug on georeferencing.
The first try will be OK. The next goes wrong because the program remember the previous coordinates. The workaround - until we see a bugfix - is to close down QGIS and restart the program.
Lene Fischer
Fra: qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] på vegne af Steve Katzberg [stevekatzberg at bellsouth.net]
Sendt: 31. oktober 2012 03:06
Til: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Emne: [Qgis-user] Georeferencing Crash

I am an ArcView/Windows user and also have Linux/Ubuntu Precise on another computer.  I needed some enhancements to the ArcView I have and decided to install Qgis on the Linux computer.  All went well and I built a couple projects that look very good.  I then tried the main target for the installation, georeferencing.  After some attemps I got to the point of generating contol points which did not go well.  The gui dissolved into a set of pulsating lines across the work area.  I used both "kill" and the gui "quit" which ultimately both methods succeeded in stopping the Qgis, or what was left of it.  Subsequently I used apt-get to remove and reinstall Qgis to no avail, making sure to restart the computer each time.  Reinstallation did not fix the pulsating lines on the monitor.  Obviously Qgis has hosed some other software that it needs and it will not work.  I'd like a little help on how to get Qgis back working.

Steve Katzberg

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