[Qgis-user] new labelling method and rotation uups

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Wed Sep 5 06:09:44 PDT 2012

Uupps, sorry, this was complete nonsense .. didn't read your post  
carefully enough and got it all wrong:

You have to set x and y coordinate field before you can choose a field for  
the angle.
For that, you of course create a fields for those values.
I'm not sure if this kind of labeling is really worth the hassle, cause  
you can't just have the label rotated at the place where it is  
automagically set, but have to drag it in edit mode with the tool for  
moving labels.
Then, the x and y values in the fields are filled and THEN your predefined  
angle works.
At least that what i figured out when plying with that.

I don't know who is going to use labeling in that way on what kind of  
data, but its really time consuming in my opionion.


> Hi Jonathan,

> i experienced this behavior only, when there are no fields with real or
> integer definition in your dataset (so only strings).
> Verify that by creating a new number field with the field calculator and
> populate it with the values from your designated angle field and check if
> the option is available then.

>  Hello,

> I'd like tu use the new labelling method. Meanwhile, the rotation  
> drop-down list which allows to select the > field containing angle stays  
> disabled.

> Did someone experience the same problem ?

> Thanks

> Jonathan A

Bernd Vogelgesang * Siedlerstrasse 2 * 91083 Baiersdorf * +49-9133-825374

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