[Qgis-user] nightly build has lost user profile

Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V. marco.lechner at fossgis.de
Sat Apr 13 08:46:48 PDT 2013

Hi Gavin,

did you try copying your existing (old) .qgis dir into .qgis2
(overwriting the existing which should not have any important new
properties yet).


Am 13.04.2013 14:19, schrieb Gavin Fleming:
> Hi
> A nightly-build 1.9 upgrade a few days ago on ubuntu 12.10 created a
> .qgis2 profile, which I presume QGIS is now using. The problem is, my
> layout, PostGIS and WMS connections etc. are no longer available.
> is there some sort of migration procedure or what's the best way to
> resolve this?

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