[Qgis-user] Corrupted Files

Etienne Tourigny etourigny.dev at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 06:02:03 PST 2013

If you save a project file in qgis 2.0 you probably cannot open it with
qgis 1.8, you should keep your project files separate (i.e. keep a project
file for both qgis versions).

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Pete Cimbolic <cimbolic at aclu-md.org> wrote:

> I am running QGIS 1.8 and 2.0 on Parallels on a Mac. I am starting to have
> a problem when I go to open previous projects. The error says:
> Project file read error: error occurred while parsing element at line 1891
> column 27 for file C:/Documents ....
> It does not happen all the time, and luckily, I have good back-up of most
> files, so I can go back to a previously stored version. However, I lose a
> lot of work when I have to do this. has anyone encountered this? Any
> suggestions?
> Pete Cimbolic
> cimbolic at aclu-md.org
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