[Qgis-user] Qgis Web Client: another searchtable

Geert Smet geert.smet at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 02:51:08 PST 2013

Op 5-dec.-2013, om 09:31 heeft Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Geert,
> I will try to help.
>> -  in the "projects”: [{……..}] section of GISProjectListings.js i
> added "searchtables” : "schemaname.mysearch” ;  is this wright ?
>> -  in GetUrlParams.js is see:  var searchtables = null ; -> do i have to change this, in what ?
>> I get still my default searchtables that i added in the search.wsgi
> The question is "how did you start" the project. The
> GISProjectListings.js is until now only used for the ThemeSwitcher. It
> means all the information in it only becomes active after you changed
> the theme. Until now you have to launch the project with the respective
> start parameters yourself using the startURL.
> We will improve on that and will offer a better theme launcher right
> from the beginning on.

I added the specific searchable in de startURL and it works.
So if i understand it wright the searchtables in all the theme’s chosen from the ThemeSwitcher depends on the startURL ?
>>>> 2) Is it normal that 'WMS' is in the upper-level of the in the Map layers instead of the projectname ?
>>> no - this shouldn't be. It was an error which should be corrected some
>>> time ago. Please update to the latest version.
>> Ok,
>> Is there an easy way to update or have i configuring/installing everything over again ?
> I recommend to check the current git version out with git clone and have
> it separate from your production project. In my own situation I even
> have three installs: the version from github. My own version with my own
> configs for inhouse testing and the production version.
> Then you would do a file/directory compare and copy the necessary files
> over. Be sure that you don't overwrite GlobalOptions.js and
> GISProjectListing.js - Sometimes there are new parameters in there
> though. So it is good to do file comparisons with them as well.

Good tip
>> Hopefully some day i got it working for my town like yours (http://gis.uster.ch/ )
> I am sure you will manage. Good luck.

I’m  almost there :-)

Thanks for helping me,

> Andreas
> PS: better to keep the discussion on the mailinglist so others can read
> about it as well.

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