[Qgis-user] Need help in QGIS server

PARDHU D dpardhu123 at yahoo.in
Thu Dec 12 04:50:58 PST 2013

Hi to all,

1) I followed instructions in the below link. I am using ubuntu 12.04 I installed apache 2, qgis server.

while opening the below link

I am getting like this

   This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
      <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.3.0"><ServiceException code="OperationNotSupported">Please check the value of the REQUEST parameter</ServiceException></ServiceExceptionReport>

but I am unable to see the QGIS mapserver. Can any one please help me to see QGIS mapserver.

2) I followed this link to create wms and wfs layers.

 sucessfully completed upto copying new project (.qgs) and 
qgis_mapserv.fcgi into project folder (/usr/lib/cig-bin). While opening wms layer in qgis 
2.0, File opened but nothing displyed.

D Pardhu.
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