[Qgis-user] More colors in Color ramp?

Etienne Tourigny etourigny.dev at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 10:32:46 PST 2013

have you tried a gradient or cpt-city ramp?

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Joris HINTJENS <jh at enecowindbelgium.com>wrote:

>  Hi,
> In QGIS2.0, I want to create a color ramp (Layer
> Properties>style>Categories>color ramp>new color ramp…) with more than 100
> Colors. Limit is apparently 100 colors. Any work around?
> I have a polygon layer with thousands of polygons and 200 properties. All
> of which need a different color.
> Thanks for suggestions
> Joris
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