[Qgis-user] Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin, clip multiple rasters

Joe Larson joelarso at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 20:47:01 PST 2013

I’m writing to see if any other OS X (KyngChaos install) users are experiencing the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin, clip multiple rasters function - not working.

The error I’m getting looks like the plugin is looking for the output file as the input - something like:

Cannot open GDAL dataset /Users/myuser/LC80430342013227LGN00/clip/clip_LC80430342013227LGN00_B6.tif:
`/Users/myuser/LC80430342013227LGN00/clip/clip_LC80430342013227LGN00_B6.tif' does not exist in the file system,
and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.

I made a `clip` folder in my Landsat extract folder and this is where I’ve directed the output. `clip_LC80430342013227LGN00_B6.tif` could not exist yet because it is what should be the output. Hoping someone can confirm/deny this potential issue. I’ve reinstalled GDAL and QGIS. I’ve contacted the plugin author separately and they have confirmed testing on Windows/Linux but not OS X. Regards, Joe.

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