[Qgis-user] gdal clipper

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Fri Feb 1 07:04:29 PST 2013

Am 01.02.2013 12:48, schrieb matteo:
>> please give us more info, "I'm unable to do that" is not enough to
>> understand what the problem is.
>> Ciao
> You are right, sorry....
> Well, I choose extraction -> clipper and in input file I put the dem and
> in clipping mode -> mask layer -> and I choose the shape (contained into
> the dem region).
> But the file in output is completely white and if I go to the stile
> options trying to change the render options, the values of the dem are
> wrong (the min value is 1.79769e+308 and the max 2.22507e-308).

Have DEM file and shapefile the same CRS? On-the-fly-projection does not 
help here, because clipper runs externally.

André Joost

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