[Qgis-user] Open Source Routing in QGIS

Spencer Gardner spgardner at HNTB.com
Fri Feb 15 12:04:49 PST 2013

> Hi Bernd,
> to start a bid we need three things:
> * a reliable developer
> * the specifications
> * an estimate of total cost.
> This simply happens to be the first project for which we have all three. Other
> projects are most welcome.

>Il 14/02/2013 00:26, Bernd Vogelgesang ha scritto:

> > I think that many people (or at least I) have problems donating money in a project
> > where they don't have the slightest idea about the figures and their part in it, and
> > easily have the feeling that they throw their money in a bottomless pit.

> Please refrain to send this negative word. If this project does not interest you,
> don't put your money in. If there is enough people interested, the project will go
> on, if not, it will die.
> Natural selection, that is - the most powerful force we have.


I think it would be beneficial to see the project budget where there is one available. From your comment above it looks like the routing plugin has an estimate - wouldn't it be possible to show that on the funding website? I can appreciate the fact that some requests for crowd funding may not have an interested developer and detailed plan for execution at the outset, leaving us with a bit of a chicken and egg problem: should funding wait for a developer, or should a developer step in only after funding is secured? I suspect many users (myself included) would prefer to donate money after they feel there is an understanding of the workload involved to produce results.

So I guess my point is that I don't think a budget ought to be a strict requirement for generating a crowd funding request, but I suspect fundraising efforts will be far more effective if there is one. Where there is a budget available it should be publicized.

(and if the routing plugin's budget is already publicized on BidForFix and I simply missed it then I apologize)


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