[Qgis-user] how to install qgis 1.8 instead 1.75 on ubunto

Milton Cezar Ribeiro miltinho.astronauta at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 13:20:14 PST 2013

Thanks Goyo,
I will take a look on this.


2013/2/21, Goyo <goyodiaz at gmail.com>:
> 2013/2/17 Milton Cezar Ribeiro <miltinho.astronauta at gmail.com>:
>>  Dear all;
>> I have some machines with Ubuntu, and sometimes when I install QGIS I
>> get version 1.8, other times version 1.75 are installed.
>> Why this occurs? How can I garantee that v1.8 come to be always
>> installed?
> Make sure you are using the necessary repos. They are listed in the
> QGIS download page.
> Goyo

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