[Qgis-user] Could not find exercise data

Tyler Mitchell info at locatepress.com
Thu Jan 10 08:48:12 PST 2013

>>> Unfortunately,  the CC-NC clause makes it unclear whether I can sell print
>>> versions for profit - I don't think I can :)  Though even the CC guys
>>> admit it's unclear.
>> As far as I can see, the website for the manual mentions CC-By-SA licence, 
>> with no NC clause. Where did you see a Non-commercial clause ?
> Good question - it is different in the PDF it seems.
> Does that mean people cannot use the PDF while they are teaching a course? Or 
> merely that they can't sell it specifically?  These are the kinds of confusions that
> arise with the NC.

Naturally the authors did a great job is spelling out what was allowed, I hadn't noticed it 
before, sorry for the noise! :)  

"You may not commercialise this work, except with the expressed permission of the au- thors. To be clear, by commercialisation we mean that you may not sell for profit, create commercial derivative works (e.g. selling content for use as articles in a magazine). The exception to this is if all the profits are given to the QGIS project. You may (and we encourage you to do so) use this work as a text book when conducting training courses, even if the course itself is commercial in nature. In other words, you are welcome to make money by running a training course that uses this work as a text book, but you may not profit off the sales of the book itself - all such profits should be contributed back to QGIS."

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