[Qgis-user] strange errors of gdal functions

Salvatore Larosa lrssvtml at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 03:51:46 PST 2013


2013/1/17 skampus <stefano.campus at regione.piemonte.it>

> in qgis master (1.9..0-165) many gdal functions return this error
> for example, translate (convert format)
> An error has occured while executing Python code:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Documents and
> Settings/11186CS/.qgis//python/plugins\GdalTools\GdalTools.py", line 322,
> in
> doTranslate
>     self.runToolDialog( d )
>   File "C:/Documents and
> Settings/11186CS/.qgis//python/plugins\GdalTools\GdalTools.py", line 370,
> in
> runToolDialog
>     dlg.show_()
>   File "C:/Documents and
> Settings/11186CS/.qgis//python/plugins\GdalTools\tools\widgetPluginBase.py",
> line 44, in show_
>     self.onLayersChanged()
>   File "C:/Documents and
> Settings/11186CS/.qgis//python/plugins\GdalTools\tools\doTranslate.py",
> line
> 98, in onLayersChanged
>     self.inSelector.setLayers(
> Utils.LayerRegistry.instance().getRasterLayers() )
>   File "C:/Documents and
> Settings/11186CS/.qgis//python/plugins\GdalTools\tools\GdalTools_utils.py",
> line 161, in getRasterLayers
>     return filter( self.isRaster, LayerRegistry.layers )
>   File "C:/Documents and
> Settings/11186CS/.qgis//python/plugins\GdalTools\tools\GdalTools_utils.py",
> line 156, in isRaster
>     if layer.usesProvider() and layer.providerKey() != 'gdal':
> AttributeError: 'QgsRasterLayer' object has no attribute 'usesProvider'
> the error "AttributeError: 'QgsRasterLayer' object has no attribute
> 'usesProvider'" is the same for other functions

it looks like you are using a old version of the plugin that line doesn't
in current code.
Also, the path to your .qgis folder is very weird, take a look at it.



> in 1.8 (osgeo install):
> 1) it appears a window of gdalinfo.exe crash (fig.1),
> 2) proper function dialogue window appears, (fig.2),
> 3) another crash window of gdal function (fig.3)
> 4)  the operation has been done properly even if  this warning says there
> are some problem (fig.4)
> fig01.png <http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/file/n5028079/fig01.png>
> fig02.png <http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/file/n5028079/fig02.png>
> fig03.png <http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/file/n5028079/fig03.png>
> fig04.png <http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/file/n5028079/fig04.png>
> I tried in other pc but i osserve this strange behaviour only in mine, so i
> think it's not appropriate to open a ticket.
> please, do you think it's better to delete all and re-install?
> thank you all...
> s.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/strange-errors-of-gdal-functions-tp5028079.html
> Sent from the Quantum GIS - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Salvatore Larosa
linkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/larosasalvatore
twitter: @lrssvt
skype: s.larosa
IRC: lrssvt on freenode
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