[Qgis-user] Advice Please

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Sun Jan 27 13:25:59 PST 2013

Hi Bill,

Can it be done? Yes, why not ?
How? Well, firstly you should ask archeologists how they use whatever  
software to draw archeological features. The basic concepts will be the  
same i guess.

I have no idea of measurement in general and of archealogical measurement  
in particular, but i will try a wild guess:
I think that you always have to start from a fix point with known  
coordinates.(Point layer, which coordinate system?)
 From this, you can generate a grid e.g. mesh width 1 m (Vector-> Research  
Tools -> Vector Grid)(Line or polygon layer)

Then you create your new layer(s) for your feature(classes) and start  
drawing.(Points, lines, polygons?)
Of course there are dozends of steps to reach that phase, but i can't  
write a book here.

As far as i know Access mdb still isn't supported yet (at least not  
available for beginners with no computer wizadry background), but you can  
export your tables to dbf format (direct import with drag and drop) or xls  
(through xytools plugin)

More detailed questions, maybe more detailed answers.
Maybe others with can drop in ...


Am 27.01.2013, 21:36 Uhr, schrieb Bill Franklin <w.franklin at ntlworld.com>:

> I'm now getting to grips with Qgis quite well, that is for a newby not  
> used
> to mapping software and I have a couple of questions I'd like some  
> advice on
> please. Firstly, I want to be able to draw archaeological features such  
> as
> earthworks on to a map. Can this be done and how?
> Secondly can I use Microsoft access with qgis? I have some data in access
> which I would like to load up and map.
> Any advice much appreciated.
> Bill Franklin

Bernd Vogelgesang * Siedlerstrasse 2 * 91083 Baiersdorf * +49-9133-825374

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