[Qgis-user] Split polygon using area and DEM

Wesley Roberts jwesroberts at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 01:12:28 PST 2013

Dear Colleagues,

I am tasked with defining harvesting strips for a community forest in
Zambia and am struggling to find a suitable solution. Our approach uses the
coop and shelter belt (harvest alternative strips of forest) method and
requires that our area be split into 5 ha "blocks". I understand how to
make a grid of 5 ha blocks, however, we have a topography issue. Our site
is located in some pretty hilly areas so we want to harvest along contours
to avoid soil erosion issues. I am looking for a quantitative approach
to portioning our site up into 5ha blocks that run along contours. I have
access to QGIS and R as well as any other FOSS available. Do any of the
Qgis users have a suggestion with regards to a suitable approach?

Many thanks,

Dr Wesley Roberts
jwesroberts at gmail.com
Cell: +27(0)83 5355 646
skype: roberts-w
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