[Qgis-user] QGIS can't save deleted features on a POSTGIS view

Poltini Roberto Roberto.Poltini at irenacquagas.it
Wed Jul 17 02:31:54 PDT 2013

   i'am using QGIS to manage postgis data. I have one table containig geometry data and one table containing alfanumeric data. The two tables are linked together by a view. I created a rule on the view because I need to call a function during the delete event.
here an example:
    ON DELETE TO my_view DO INSTEAD SELECT my_func();

QGIS reads and modifies data on the view "my_view".
When the QGIS user deletes some features and than try to save, an error is generated. QGIS tries to execute an sql statement "DELETE FROM my_view WHERE ..." which returns something unexpected by QGIS.

Using postgresql 8.4 it works well. The problem is generaed only using postgresql 9.

if I use the following rule:

It works fine in both postgresql version.
I think that the problem is due to what is returned by the rule. Calling a function in the rule I need to use "SELECT my_func()" SQL statement which returns to QGIS a recordset or something different from what is returned by DELETE SQL statement.
How can I control the value returned by the rule ?

Thanks in advance.
Poltini Roberto

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