[Qgis-user] WMS of Google Maps images or Bing images

Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V. marco.lechner at fossgis.de
Wed Jul 31 02:03:23 PDT 2013

If QGIS is compiled against a recent GDAL version u can load Google or
Bing as simple Rasterlayer [1]. Such a layer will be delivered by qgis
server if saved in a project like any other rasterlayer (some
limitations if server is behind a proxy). Technically it is possible to
serve Google or Bing as Layer using QGIS server, but take care of those


[1] http://www.gdal.org/frmt_wms.html

Am 31.07.2013 10:42, schrieb flavio rigolon:
> 2013/7/31 katrin eggert <katrineggert1980 at gmail.com>:
>> Dear all,
>> I would like to know if it is possible to have a WMS of Google Maps and/or
>> Bing images in QGIS? if yes, how can I do that?
> Hi Kat,
>  the openlayers plugin can load gmaps, bing, yahoo maps....
> hth
> flavio

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