[Qgis-user] Hick-ups with ASCII DEM

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Thu Jun 20 08:46:23 PDT 2013

Hi there,
the state of bavaria tries to become partially opendata, but i feel they
don't really mean it:
There is a downloadable DEM file in a format unkown to me and QGIS:
http://www.vermessung.bayern.de/opendata/doc,DGM200.html (7mb zip)

Trying to convert it to a raster file with gdal gives this error:
ERROR 1: Ungridded dataset: At line 8, X is 4289600.000000, where as
4289200.000000 was expected
GDALOpen failed - 1
Ungridded dataset: At line 8, X is 4289600.000000, where as 4289200.000000
was expected

It is possible to import it as delimited text point layer, but thats not
of much use.

Has anybody got an idea what the error means, and how to use this kind of

(QGIS 1.9 on Linux and Win7 64bit)

Bernd Vogelgesang * Siedlerstrasse 2 * 91083 Baiersdorf * +49-9133-825374

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