[Qgis-user] An India OS GIS occassion

Ravi Kumar ravivundavalli48 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 21 22:48:17 PDT 2013

This year INCA is focusing on what FOSS GIS does best.
Integrated Decentralized Planning and Governance

Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs), Agro–Climatic Regions and Activity planning
Social Infrastructure & Amenity Planning
Urban Planning, PURA and Decentralized Planning
Census data, Meteorological data; Cartography and Thematic Mapping
Cartographic and Geospatial inputs for Flagship and Welfare Programs
Environmental Planning & Management
Disaster Management
Advances in tools and technologies in Cartography
Education, Training & Capacity Building for PRIs, Citizens and Outreach

Abstract Submission July 15, 2013


OSGeo India is planning a booth there too. So let us all join in presenting scientific papers / case studies, to show that FOSS GIS is priceless.
We all have been doing sterling work from Tiger reserves of Assam, to Rural Development (inst) in Rajasthan, Ecological research in Western Ghats and (CES IIS), Tamilnadu (FERAL), and the list big. Now let us pitch for this annual event where all Indian GIS and CAD experts congregate.

हम होंगे कामयाब (We Shall Overcome tune)
Ravi Kumar
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