[Qgis-user] Binary hillshad raster for sunpower plant

venerio giuseppe anardu anardu.geol at yahoo.it
Mon Jun 24 06:30:58 PDT 2013

Hello to everybody,

I have to prepair simulations for a sunpower plant in project, considering the areas in shadow in the plant in certain sample days of the year in the whole day. The use of the plugin Hillshade is very easy to understand, but I cannot understand how to obtain a binary raster with value 1 for pixels in shade (colored in black) and 0 for the others (to see them transparent). I did it few years ago with ArcGIS the same task and it was really simple to achieve the desired result, while the same result with QGIS seems to me not so easy to do... Can anybody tell me how to do it?

Thank you in advance for your help,

Giuseppe Anardu
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