[Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 85, Issue 32

Bernd Laskowski Bernd.Laskowski at Reichshof.de
Wed Mar 13 08:53:57 PDT 2013

I've got the data in a table.
Apparently they are wrong (more than 59 minutes).

I'll check them.
Thanks a lot


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Today's Topics:

    1. Re: convert UTM_UPS data from gps to decimal degrees
       (Gerardo Jimenez)
    2. Re: convert UTM_UPS data from gps to decimal degrees (G. Allegri)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 11:00:51 -0400
From: Gerardo Jimenez <gejst5 at hotmail.com>
To: "qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org" <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] convert UTM_UPS data from gps to decimal
Message-ID: <SNT002-W149261646CE3FF63F27528695E30 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

First, your data is kind of rare, you can not have more than 60 minutes or more than 60 seconds (50?96'06''2N for instance). How did you get this info? a gpx file or your field notes? (usually a gps stores data in lat lon wgs84, no matter how you configure the unit to display the data).  If you want to covert lat lon data in to utm you have to make two things. A) Convert your readings in to decimal degrees in a spreadsheet.
You have to capture in separate columns the arguments for degrees minutes and seconds. Then the formula will bedeg+(min/60)+(sec/3600). Keep in mind that the formula for your longitudes must be: -1*(deg+(min/60)+(sec/3600)) since your data is in the western hemisphere.  Copy the values of the formulas in a new file and label the first row lat lon accordingly. You can include an identifier. Save the file as CSV comma delimited.
B1) Load the CSV file in Qgis using the "add delimited text layer" plugin.  Once the data is on the screen you have to select the layer and save is as shp or comma separated value, that your choice. You have to choose also the coordinate system of your choice for the new layer.
B2) Or you can also use GPS babel (free). It can read a csv file and convert it to utm. Just check the documentation for the supported datums

Gerardo Jim?nez Delgado
Instituto de Investigaciones Antropol?gicas
Universidad Nacional Aut?noma de M?xico
Ciudad Universitaria s/n
Coyoacan 04510
Mexico City

56 22 95 16

Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 14:49:47 +0100
From: giohappy at gmail.com
To: Bernd.Laskowski at reichshof.de
CC: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] convert UTM_UPS data from gps to decimal degrees

I'm not sure if they are milliseconds.O would try to divide the last digits by 3600000 (and sum to the rest)

2013/3/13 Bernd Laskowski <Bernd.Laskowski at reichshof.de>

     Hi Giovanni,


       If I try this the points are fare away from the real point.

       What about the Number rigth from seconds (f.e. 2 or 9)?






       Am 13.03.2013 14:09, schrieb G. Allegri:


       50+(96/60)+(6/3600) = 51.601666...



         2013/3/13 Bernd Laskowski <Bernd.Laskowski at reichshof.de>

              Hi all,


               how I can convert data in following format to get decimal






               Garmin GPS configuration:

               Positionsformat: UTM UPS

               Kartenbezugssystem: WGS84

               Kartensph?roid: WGS84


               Would WGS84/UPS North (EPSG 32661) in Qgis the correct
               coordinate system?


               I use ETRS89 (EPSG 25832)







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             Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org







         website: http://giovanniallegri.it
           GEO+ geomatica in
               Italia http://bit.ly/GEOplus



Gemeinde Reichshof
I/10 Zentrale Verwaltung
Bernd Laskowski
Hauptstra?e 12
51580 Reichshof - Denklingen
Tel.: (02296) 801 - 313
Fax: (02296) 801 - 395
E-mail: Bernd.Laskowski at Reichshof.de

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Giovanni Allegri
website: http://giovanniallegri.it
GEO+ geomatica in Italia http://bit.ly/GEOplus

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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 16:04:15 +0100
From: "G. Allegri" <giohappy at gmail.com>
To: Gerardo Jimenez <gejst5 at hotmail.com>
Cc: "qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org" <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] convert UTM_UPS data from gps to decimal
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Gerardo, it was already explained... the problem with its coordinates is
that they don't overlay on its map. I suppose its map is in a different CRS
and the on the fly reprojection don't fit well because of trnasformations

Anyway, yes, the "milliseconds" are unusale...


2013/3/13 Gerardo Jimenez <gejst5 at hotmail.com>

> Hi
> First, your data is kind of rare, you can not have more than 60 minutes or
> more than 60 seconds (50?*96*'06''2N for instance). How did you get this
> info? a gpx file or your field notes? (usually a gps stores data in lat lon
> wgs84, no matter how you configure the unit to display the data).  If you
> want to covert lat lon data in to utm you have to make two things.
> A) Convert your readings in to decimal degrees in a spreadsheet.
> You have to capture in separate columns the arguments for degrees minutes
> and seconds. Then the formula will be
> deg+(min/60)+(sec/3600). Keep in mind that the formula for
> your longitudes must be: -1*(deg+(min/60)+(sec/3600)) since your data is in
> the western hemisphere.  Copy the values of the formulas in a new file and
> label the first row lat lon accordingly. You can include an identifier.
> Save the file as CSV comma delimited.
> B1) Load the CSV file in Qgis using the "add delimited text layer" plugin.
>  Once the data is on the screen you have to select the layer and save is as
> shp or comma separated value, that your choice. You have to choose also the
> coordinate system of your choice for the new layer.
> B2) Or you can also use GPS babel (free). It can read a csv file and
> convert it to utm. Just check the documentation for the supported datums
> Gerardo Jim?nez Delgado
> Instituto de Investigaciones Antropol?gicas
> Universidad Nacional Aut?noma de M?xico
> Ciudad Universitaria s/n
> Coyoacan 04510 Mexico City
> Mexico 56 22 95 16
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 14:49:47 +0100
> From: giohappy at gmail.com
> To: Bernd.Laskowski at reichshof.de
> CC: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] convert UTM_UPS data from gps to decimal degrees
> I'm not sure if they are milliseconds.
> O would try to divide the last digits by 3600000 (and sum to the rest)
> 2013/3/13 Bernd Laskowski <Bernd.Laskowski at reichshof.de>
>  Hi Giovanni,
> If I try this the points are fare away from the real point.
> What about the Number rigth from seconds (f.e. 2 or 9)?
> Regards
> Bernd
> Am 13.03.2013 14:09, schrieb G. Allegri:
> degrees+minutes/60+seconds/3600
>  e.g.
> 50+(96/60)+(6/3600) = 51.601666...
>  giovanni
> 2013/3/13 Bernd Laskowski <Bernd.Laskowski at reichshof.de>
>  Hi all,
> how I can convert data in following format to get decimal degrees.
> 50?96'06''2N/7?70'18''3O
> 50?96'39''9N/7?68'56''3O
> 50?95'72''9N/7?68'00''5O
> Garmin GPS configuration:
> Positionsformat: UTM UPS
> Kartenbezugssystem: WGS84
> Kartensph?roid: WGS84
> Would WGS84/UPS North (EPSG 32661) in Qgis the correct coordinate system?
> I use ETRS89 (EPSG 25832)
> Regards
> Bernd
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> Qgis-user mailing list
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>  --
> Giovanni Allegri
> website: http://giovanniallegri.it
> GEO+ geomatica in Italia http://bit.ly/GEOplus
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gemeinde Reichshof
> I/10 Zentrale Verwaltung
> Bernd Laskowski
> Hauptstra?e 12
> 51580 Reichshof - Denklingen
> Tel.: (02296) 801 - 313
> Fax: (02296) 801 - 395
> E-mail: Bernd.Laskowski at Reichshof.de
> Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail ist ausschlie?lich f?r den bezeichneten Adressaten bestimmt. Wenn Sie nicht der vorgesehene Adressat dieser E-Mail oder dessen Vertreter sein sollten, so beachten Sie bitte, dass jede Form der Kenntnisnahme, Ver?ffentlichung, Vervielf?ltigung oder Weitergabe des Inhalts dieser E-Mail unzul?ssig ist. Wir bitten Sie, sich in diesem Fall mit dem Absender der E-Mail in Verbindung zu setzen.
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> --
> Giovanni Allegri
> website: http://giovanniallegri.it
> GEO+ geomatica in Italia http://bit.ly/GEOplus
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Giovanni Allegri
website: http://giovanniallegri.it
GEO+ geomatica in Italia http://bit.ly/GEOplus
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