[Qgis-user] Problems with data types in joined tables

Antonio Vico avicomartin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 02:06:48 PDT 2013

El 15/03/2013 0:18, Goyo escribió:
> 2013/3/14 Antonio Vico<avicomartin at gmail.com>:
>> On 14/03/13 22:14, Goyo wrote:
>> I try to join a layer with geometry type and another without and make querys
>> in the conjunt. For example, a layer with
>> states and a table with population. In the joined layer, I can query about
>> states with population>  5000 or population between 5000 and 10000.
>> If baviour of field population is like text, querys like "population>  5000"
>> done wrong results.
>> Define a view done is valid for a unique query and I try to be able to user
>> without knoweledge in sql make querys easyli with Attribute table in joined
>> layers.
> I don't understand how a view is valid only for a unique query, the
> user can query the view as many times as she want. She can even add
> the same view several times and query each instance in a different
> way.
> Goyo
Sorry, I think I haven't explained correctly.
I want the possibility that user can choice data to join, and in a view 
the join are "fixed".
I can make a view with states and population and user can ask this view 
but is user want ask data and sales for example he need another view. I 
want that user choice table that he need (states with geographyc 
information and join with anoter tables in database like population, 
sales, age, etc.
according to their needs, without intervention in "server side".

Make querys in a view needs create the view in "server side". Is for 
this question that data type in attribute table need a correct behavior

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