[Qgis-user] Menu bar disappeared

Chris Berkhout chrisberkhout at gmail.com
Tue May 21 23:42:53 PDT 2013

Hi all,

When I started QGIS on my MacBook today after rebooting for the first time
in a long time, I found that there was no qgis menu bar. It's not at the
top of the screen like normal mac apps, it's not within the qgis window
itself, and there is no qgis app icon shown when I switch between apps with
command-tab (there was before).

I uninstalled and reinstalled (HEAD, using homebrew) and had the same

I uninstalled again and installed 1.8.0 and had the same problem.

This guy had the same problem, but no clues there:

Anyone know what is going on?

I think maybe there's a corrupted config file for setting out the
interface. Where should I look for that?

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