[Qgis-user] Modeler: Is there a way to merge/attach the products of an iteration?

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Thu Nov 7 05:53:37 PST 2013


I gladly discoverd how to iterate over features (here different point 
location) in a model and then perform buffering, intersecting, 
calculating etc.
All very nice. Did this with 5 points, so it resulted in 5 equally named 
layers from which I then copied the attribute tables to Excel manually 
and was done.

Then did this with 13 point = layers. Still doable, but boring.
Does anyone know how to take all those resulting shapes (actually the 
dbf) and attach them one after another, so i get one file for the hole 
Cause my next step would be 300 points ...


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