[Qgis-user] Lat/Lon grid plugin stupid bug

. digitalmaps at cox.net
Thu Nov 7 11:36:33 PST 2013

On 11/7/2013 12:35 PM, Mikhail Tchernychev wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry this is related to Alt/Lon grid plugin. There were stupid bug 
> there:
> hemisphere letters are switched between Lat/Lon. For instance latitude 
> lines
> had labels with "W" or "E" and longitude lines with "N" or "S"
> This should be opposite. I have fixed it now.
> I had about 300 downloads but only one guy noted it...
> Please update
> Best Regards
> Mikhail
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Its pretty slow with 10 degree grid spacing. 60 seconds or more to redraw.

Stay Frosty!

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