[Qgis-user] My QGIS Dufour has a problem with Grass

NYA Edouard edouardnya at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 05:34:16 PST 2013

Hi to the list,
I am facing a problem to load Grass in my new QGIS Dufour. When trying
to start Grass from Start/All Programs, I get the following message:

Impossible de démarrer grass 6.4.3
g.dirseps.exe – Point d’entree introuvable
Le point d’entrée de procédure libintl_setlocale est introuvable dans
la bibliothèque de liaisons dynamiques libintl-8.dll

The same problem for my WinXP SP3 et Win7 basic.

Can some one help?

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