[Qgis-user] OpenLayers Google Satelite layer

Chuck Young wylie1066 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 17 18:21:13 PST 2013

Any ideas why?  When I first loaded the shape files for Dominican Republic
(For which I thank you all for pointing me in the right direction.),
everything went fine.  The maps loaded fast and kept up as I scrolled about
the area I am interested in.

Now however, when I reload the project, the map files will load only in
part of the screen and there are blocks where they leave a gray square.
There are large areas where the map doesn't load at all even though the
file download shows the same as when it was loading correctly.  All the
other layers load and display correctly.

I tried removing and reloading the layer but still nothing.

I am working through a satelite internet connection but I can't see any
reason why it is different today from yesterday, weather is similar.


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