[Qgis-user] 2.0 Win standalone busted

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Wed Nov 20 09:20:45 PST 2013

Am 20.11.2013 15:20, schrieb Chrest, David:
> I installed QGIS 2.0 using the Window standalone installer (64 bit) on
> October 4, 2013. Has there been any fixes to this installer and a new
> one made available on the website since then? I noticed there are some
> things missing and certain features do not work. Seems to be missing
> some GDAL components.

Cuurent version is 2.01-3-setup-x86_64.exe. OSGeo4w offers the same 
version. I'm not sure since when this version is current, but this must 
be the third update release.

By the way, some modules still do not work as expected in 64bit. You can 
install the 32bit version via OSGeo4w in parallel, and see if that works 
better for you.

André Joost

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