[Qgis-user] 2.0 Win standalone busted

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Wed Nov 20 20:57:31 PST 2013

Am 21.11.2013 00:15, schrieb Jürgen E. Fischer:
> Hi André,
> On Wed, 20. Nov 2013 at 18:20:45 +0100, Andre Joost wrote:
>> By the way, some modules still do not work as expected in 64bit.
> Are there tickets for those?

I have not yet been looking through the list. But I assume that all 
packages that are missing in OSGEO4W64 are not available in the 
standalone installer too.

I got a minor issue with the about screen: On 64bit, I always get the 
upper or lower part of it, without any chance to adjust it to screen 
size. The 32bit Version of QGIS 2.01 does not show that behaviour.

André Joost

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