[Qgis-user] including images in (database) attributes

Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff niklaas at kulturflatrate.net
Mon Nov 25 12:16:39 PST 2013


is there a way to include images (png, jpeg, ...) into a QGIS project 
file and link to an entity? I'd need this feature to link builing 
surveys to buildings. In the next step, they should also be visible via 

    * I hope, this is the right mailinglist for questions about the web 
    client. I'd guess it's an official project by QGIS?!

If there's no possibility to do that, I'd maybe try to implement it 
myself. I don't know whether it's possible for me to do this in QGIS 
core but I guess I could work it out to put a link into a field called 
e.g. "img" and let the web client not only show the link but the actual 

Are there any hints about the first part of my question? Maybe also 
about the second one? If this feature is not implemented yet, any hints 
according to where to start coding are very appreciated. :)



P.S.: Because I'm working for a research project 
(http://assip.project.tuwien.ac.at) I get some money for maybe coding 
this feature. ;-) So, the existing initiative from my side is quite 
serious. :-)

Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
niklaas at kulturflatrate.net


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