[Qgis-user] [Qgis-developer] Projection of ESPG/ESRI

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Wed Nov 27 11:36:15 PST 2013

Yeah - that's how I do it in ESRI but it tends to scream more with a 
undefined projection. QGIS just accepted it and moved onward - Luckily I 
haven't had any undefined things show up until I started deleting prj 
files trying to figure out what was going on with the EPSG:102667 
incident last night.

I appreciate the help.


Randal Hale, GISP
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
<mailto:rjhale at northrivergeographic.com>

On 11/27/2013 02:31 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> On 11/27/2013 11:18 AM, Randal Hale wrote:
>> Awesome - OK - I didn't know project on the fly would assign a
>> projection. I usually leave it off - All the data needs to be in one
>> projection anyway.
> No it's not that it assigns a projection, it's that it ignores the
> projection and just operates on pure coordinates. So if you bring 2
> things in that are different projections (ie a UTM layer and an unknown)
> then unless they are actually the same projection they won't line up at
> all.
> If you were to turn projection on the fly on, then the auto guess
> incorrect WGS84 would do way screwy stuff even if both layers were the
> same projection.
> So basically, load up your unknown layer. Then load a known reference
> layer. If it matches you have a winner, if it doesn't drop it and try a
> different reference layer (different projection), and so on till you
> find the match.
> Enjoy,
> Alex

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