[Qgis-user] Error in Raster/Projections/Assign Projection

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 02:03:00 PDT 2013

When I select a raster file with a wrong projection information in
Raster/Projections/Assign Projection:

1. Desired CRS Select  does not work: I select a CRS but then this is not
written in the panel nor in the gdal command
2. The gdal command to be used appears to be gdalwarp. I guess this is
wrong, as gdalwarp would
reproject the raster into another CRS, while this menu is meant for
just overrriding the projection info
(which the user considers is wrong) leaving the actual raster geometry
untouched. The correct gdal command should be gdal_translate with the
-a_srs option.

Just checking before reporting this as a bug.
Using qgis 2.0 on limuxmint Olivia (based on Ubuntu Raring)
GDAL 1.10.0


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